Why I Am Running

I am running for the State Representative from the Charlotte-Hinesburg Chittenden 1-2 district to ensure that our state government will continue to effectively serve the people of Vermont in a way that reflects the values that Vermonters have demonstrated throughout their history. These values are based on the premise that government exists to serve the governed by providing a framework within which individuals can become productive citizens in a growing economy, a vibrant community, and a healthy environment. When times are hard, Vermonters take care of each other; and government, which represents all of us, has a role to play. These are not only Vermont values; they are Democratic values, too.

Today there are several crisis-level situations we have to deal with, including job losses, global climate change, access to affordable health care, and the financial burdens that threaten family farms. In times of crisis, government is required to do more than usual to help those most affected by the crisis. Innovative answers are needed, and our leaders in both the executive and legislative branches of government must try to provide them.

I look forward to representing my community of Charlotte and our neighbors in the Hinesburg part of the district. I will always be open to communications from you by phone, email, and in person. I expect to conduct a door-to-door campaign this summer to talk with you about the issues on your mind and to let you know why I would like to represent you in the House. I hope that my extensive involvement in the Charlotte community over the past 25 years has given you the confidence that I will represent you well in Montpelier.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. Continue to the links on the right to learn more about my thoughts on the issues we will be discussing during this campaign. I welcome your feedback and any ideas you have on how state government can work better. I ask for your support in 2010 and promise to do my best to represent you. Financial support is also welcome.